Your First Visit
Sunday’s Worship Services
Our 10am service offers traditional worship, lasts approximately an hour and includes hymns played by organ, piano, guitar and/or violin. Our choir sings every other week.
On each Sunday we enjoy some fellowship after the service. On the first Sunday of the month, the congregation bags beans and rice for our ministry to help fight hunger in our locality. After most coffee hours, we meet with Rev. Jean for a discussion about that day’s scriptures and sermon topic.
During the Services
On any Sunday, a parish member or usher will most likely recognize you as a visitor and welcome you as you enter through our doors.
An usher will give you a bulletin which outlines the order of our service, including hymn numbers, when to stand, when to sit or kneel, etc. You will also find in each pew The Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal. Please feel free to ask the person sitting next to you for any assistance you may need. If you receive communion in your home-church, you are welcomed to receive it at Emmanuel. Simply come forward, following the crowd and hold out your hands. If you don’t wish to receive communion, but would like to have a blessing, please come forward and cross your arms over your chest like an X.
Restrooms are located in the Parish Hall (through the door next to the hymn board).
We cherish children and welcome them in church services. If your child wants something to do during the service, ask the usher for a bag of crayons and coloring books from the “crayon tree”. If you want care for your child ages 4 and under while you worship, please contact our office and we will make arrangements. Childcare is available during the 10am service on Sunday mornings in the nursery, just off the Parish Hall on the main floor. Our volunteer caregivers have completed safe-church training to provide both a safe and nurturing atmosphere for your children.
Christian Education
We engage in conversation most Sundays after coffee hour to discuss the Scriptures and sermon topic. We also enjoy our Bible Studies each Tuesday from 5-6:30pm.
Off-street parking is available in our lot located off 4th Avenue (behind the church). Feel free to come in through the kitchen door (just like at home).
Handicap parking is in front of the church on High Street. Handicap entrance is through the front of the parish hall which faces High street.
Keeping up with the News
In each pew are cards that you can fill out that will allow us to place you on the mailing list for our weekly “This Week at Emmanuel” email, and our quarterly “News from the Pews”. You may also use this card to request a visit from the Rector (Priest).
Making Emmanuel Your Home
If after spending some time with us you find yourself feeling at home, you can become a member of Emmanuel Church by calling our office (757-562-4542). Our Rector will be glad to talk with you about becoming an Episcopalian or transferring your membership from your previous faith community.
Contact Us

Contact us today to see how you can help us serve the parish. Click the button to email or give us a call at 757-562-4542.
Thank you for your support, and God bless!
I Peter 4:10-11