
We Pledge to be a home for one another and welcome new friends into God’s house to go with us on this great adventure.

We are Emmanuel Episcopal Church of Franklin


               Services This Week

     February 10th -16th, 2025

______Sunday Service_______                                      

Together we will celebrate our Eucharist Rite II service at 10am. Rev. Jean Vinson will lead the service and give the message. Orders of service bulletins are available in Spanish.

Sunday’s Scriptures:              

First Reading       Jeremiah 17:5-10

Psalm                     Psalm 1

Second Reading   1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Gospel                    Luke 6:17-26



Morning Prayer: Wednesdays at 9:30am       

A peaceful, 20-minute time of prayer with readings from Scripture in the candle-lit church. We read together a Psalm as well as other prayers from the Book of Common Prayer, Rite II Morning Prayer. A refreshing way to focus your spirit for the day ahead.  Invite a friend; all are welcome, no matter what denomination.                                                                                                  



Office Hours

•Tuesday – Thursday: 8:00am to 4:00pm                                                

The Rev. Jean Vinson’s office hours: Sunday 1-4;                  Tues. & Wed. 9am-4pm                        

We do our best to be the Body of Christ
in today’s world through

Worship and prayer

Together as a congregation, individually in our homes, and publicly in God’s world.  

Forgiveness and Healing

In our church, among our families and friends, and throughout our community.  


Patterning our minds after the mind of Christ, with each household a community of faith and each gathering a cherished opportunity to share and grow in Christ.


Treasuring everyone who comes our way, striving to be faithful friends and working to help all in need.

Good Citizenship

Both of the Kingdom of God and the governments of this world, seeking justice, peace and dignity for all people.

Caretakers of God's Creation

Thankful for all of God’s blessings, showing reverence for creation, and living every day mindful of our duty to God.
__Upcoming Events/Save the Date___

Bible Study: Tuesdays                      

Brown bag dinner at 5, study at 5:30pm facilitated by artist and Bible teacher, Russell Schools, in the Book of Daniel. 

English Classes: Mondays & Thursdays at 6pm                                                                           



                 DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR                                         February 16th                                             Vestry Meeting

March 5th      Ash Wednesday Service and First Lenten Lunch

March 19th   Host Lenten Lunches