Serving the Parish
Serving as an acolyte provides the opportunity for youth and adults to take active leadership roles in the worship of the parish. They lead processions carrying the cross, torches, banner and gospel book. They collect and present the offerings of our life and labors to the Lord. They assist the clergy in preparing the altar for Holy Communion. They ring the sanctus bells as a sign of God’s holy presence. And finally, they do whatever is necessary to help the services run smoothly. We are always seeking young enthusiastic people for this ministry.
Contact: Sallie Vick
Altar Guild
Members of the altar guild prepare the altar for each worship service. They care for the vessels and linens used for holy communion. They polish brass and silver and arrange flowers to adorn God’s house with beauty and honor. They work dutifully, prayerfully and reverently, offering their varied gifts and talents to the glory of God. New members are always welcome.
Contact: The Office
The Adult Choir sings with heart and voice at the principal services throughout the church year. They lead the congregation in hymn singing and offer anthems and motets to enrich our worship. They join with saints and angels in the heavenly realms as we all sing the praises of God. We are actively seeking new singers. Please lend your time and talents to this wonderful ministry.
Contact: Jane Gibson
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
All women in the church are members of the ECW. The ECW hosts various parish functions and activities throughout the calendar year, and raises outreach funds which are distributed to the Franklin Cooperative Ministry, the Jackson Feild Home for Girls, the Boys Home and others. The ECW is service oriented and conducts outreach activities and other functions within the parish.
Contact: Diane Cooke or Sarah Kahle
Lay Eucharistic Ministers/lectors
The reading of God’s word is a ministry that enlightens, inspires and guides the congregation and the readers to a clearer understanding of the meaning and power of the Holy Scriptures. LEMs also offer the prayers of the people, and assist at services. They have the unique and special blessing of offering the chalice to God’s people of all ages.
Sunday School Teachers
Youth Sunday School curriculum includes creative activities through crafts, games, puzzles. All are designed to engage students while they learn about God. Children’s chapel during the 10am Service.
Contact: Laurie Ross
Nursery Caregiver
Childcare is available during the 10am service on Sunday mornings in the nursery, just off the Parish Hall on the main floor. Our volunteer caregivers have completed safe-church training to provide both a safe and nurturing atmosphere for your children. We can also provide you with a pager in case your child might need you during services. Childcare is also available for special services throughout the year. We cherish children and welcome them in church services. Ask the usher for a bag of crayons and coloring books from the “crayon tree”.
Ushers/Greeters prepare the worship space (clean-up, stage collection baskets, place gift baskets.) Ushers also greet all parishioners as they enter our worship space, pass out programs or other information to worshipers and assist parishioners in seating arrangements. They also assist our treasurer by counting the Sunday offerings.
If you are interested in one or more of these ministries, please contact the “contact” person or call the parish office. If you have an idea for another organization also contact the parish office.
Contact Us
Contact us today to see how you can help us serve the parish. Click the button to email or give us a call at 757-562-4542.
Thank you for your support, and God bless!
I Peter 4:10-11