We believe that church is a place to grow in faith while having fun. Activities enjoyed by our Parish family throughout the year include:

Coffee Hour: Each Sunday after service, a coffee hour with light refreshments is held. This is a wonderful time to meet members of the congregation to develop deeper relationships..

Tuesday Bible study are held during the school year.

Shrove Tuesday: On Shrove Tuesday (the day before the beginning of Lent) the Vestry puts on a dinner for the congregation. It alternates between a traditional pancake supper and a Mardi Gras celebration complete with jambalaya, king cake, beads and masks.

Pentecost picnic at the river: On Pentecost Sunday, we gather at a hunt club on the shores of the Nottoway River for our church service followed by a picnic and an afternoon on the river.

Oyster Roast: Every January on a Sunday afternoon the adults of our church family bring friends and gather at a local hunt club for an oyster roast and covered dish supper.

Christmas Luncheon: Following the 10am service in the Christmas season we have a Parish luncheon.

Other Parish Family activities
in the year include a Palm Sunday Breakfast and palm cross tying, Maundy Thursday Dinner, an Easter Egg Hunt, a Fall Pool Party and church service, Pumpkin Carving, Advent Wreath Making and a Blessing of the animals service.