Church Services

Weekly Services  

Sunday Services at Emmanuel Episcopal are liturgies – Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion. 

The Sunday 10:00 service offers worship which includes hymns accompanied by organ music and, on occasion, guitar, violin and piano. The service lasts approximately an hour. Emmanuel use all four rites (versions) of the communion services found in “Book of Common Prayer”.

The Wednesday Morning Prayer Service at 9:30 is a simple, said service of prayers and Scripture Readings.

Nursery Care

We cherish children and welcome them in church services. However, it’s difficult for young children to keep occupied for an hour! If you desire care for your children (4 and under) let the office know. We will arrange care in the nursery, just off the Parish Hall on the main floor. Our volunteer caregivers have completed safe-church training to provide both a safe and nurturing atmosphere for your children. Childcare is also available for special services throughout the year.  Ask the usher for a bag of crayons and coloring books from the “crayon tree”.








Children’s Chapel

  • Children ages 5-11 come forward for a blessing before the reading of Scripture. Then they depart to the children’s room for a lesson during the service. Trained adults will guide your child through relatable, age-appropriate lessons and crafts. Afterwards, your children will return for communion and the final hymn.


Baptism is the rite of initiation by which a child or adult is received into the Body of Christ. Infants may be baptized in the Episcopal Church, with the support of parents and godparents who pledge to rear the children in a life of faith.  Older children and adults make those promises on their own behalf. During the Baptismal Service for both infants and adults, the congregation pledges to uphold and support the person being baptized in their life in Christ. We celebrate baptisms on any Sunday throughout the year. Please contact the clergy for more information or to schedule a baptism for yourself or your child.


Children who have been baptized in the Episcopal Church as well as those baptized in other denominations may choose to be confirmed upon reaching an age by which they can make a more mature commitment to their faith. We typically offer youth Confirmation classes on an as needed basis.

Adults who come to Emmanuel Episcopal from another denomination and who have already been baptized may also choose to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. Confirmation is for those who have not been confirmed in another tradition and have not yet made an adult commitment of faith.  Reception is for those who have made such a commitment in another denomination. Services of Confirmation and Reception are offered approximately once each year when the Bishop is present.


Christian marriage is a solemn and public covenant made in the presence of God. Parishioners, family members of parishioners, those interested in joining the church, and others with special affiliations are welcome to inquire about being married at Emmanuel Episcopal. Weddings may be scheduled throughout the year by contacting the church office.


Mourning those who have died while celebrating their risen life with Christ is one of the sacred responsibilities of this church family. Funeral services for church members, family members, and others are offered as needed and by request. Emmanuel Episcopal has a Columbarium in the nave for the internment of cremated ashes of the deceased. The columbarium is available to members of Emmanuel Episcopal, their relatives and anyone with a connection with Emmanuel as determined by the Vestry.

Holy Communion for Those Unable to Attend Church

On at least a monthly basis, those who have been unable to attend services are visited and are provided Holy Communion by the Priest and /or a licensed lay person.

Contact Us

Contact us today to discuss any of these Church services. Click the button to email or give us a call at 757-562-4542.
Thank you for your support, and God bless!

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
I Peter 4:10-11